1. Xaxado Association Membership
To participate in the event, you will need to be a member of our association, the Xaxado Asd Aps, affiliated to AICS and CONI, the Italian National Olympic Committee that provides discipline, regulation and management of national sports activities.
If you are not yet a member for the current social year you will be registered during the pass’s purchase.
In order to registrate you to CONI we have to collect your datas as full name, date of birth, place of birth, residence address.
2. Exchanges and Returns
All passess are not refundable.
It’s possible to transfer the ownership of any pass until 27th May 2025 following these exchange guidelines.
Send an email to forroditorino@gmail.com and put the new ticket owner in cc, with this informations:
- your full name
- full name of new ticket owner
- email of new ticket owner
- date and place of birth of the new ticket owner
- residential address of the new ticket owner
Forró di Torino is not responsible for tickets sold/exchanged that do not follow these guidelines.
3. Partecipants' Personal Belongins Management
Xaxado Asd Apps is not responsible for the supervision of participant's personal belongings during the festival and will not be liable for any compensation in the event of loss of or damage to personal belongings.
4. Program and Location Changes
The program and the location may undergo changes, even at the last minute.