This is a summary of our association status.
You can find the original document (in Italian) here.
By purchasing the pass for the Turin Turin Forró Fest 2025 you accept this status and request the membership to Xaxado Association.
You are aware that the Xaxado Association is affiliated to AICS (organization for the promotion of sport recognized by CONI) and that you will be registered with AICS itself for the current year.
You also accept the conditions and insurance clauses contained in the insurance policy stipulated by US AICS-CONI.
You can find the insurance policy (in Italian) here.
The association is non-political and non-profit organization. During the association lifetime, management surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital may not be distributed, even indirectly or deferred.
The association purpose is the development and dissemination of sports activities related to sports in all its forms and expressions, with particular to those used for the psychophysical development of the body. The association aims to practice and promote amateur sports activities of International Dances (specially Forró), Academic Dances, Choreographic Dances, Street Dance, National Dances, Regional Dances, Sports Activities Gymnastics aimed at Health and Fitness through the management of any form of competitive activity, recreational amateur or any other type of motor or non-motor activity, suitable for promoting knowledge and practice of the disciplines.
The association is also required to carry out educational activities for the initiation, updating and improvement in the performance of sports practices of the disciplines indicated above. In addition, the association will carry out a fruitful activity in the recreational and social field, organizing, managing, and setting courses, seminars, meetings, exhibitions, concerts, dance evenings and everything that can be used for the social development of its members. In its headquarters, if the conditions exist, the association will be able to carry out recreational activities in favor of its members, including, where appropriate, the management of a restaurant.
The association is also characterized by the democratic nature of the structure, by the equality of rights of all members, by the election of the associative positions; it must mainly make use of voluntary, personal, and free services of its members and cannot hire employees or make use of self-employment services except to ensure the regular functioning of the structures or to qualify and specialize its activities.
The association unconditionally accepts to comply with the rules and directives of the CONI, as well as with the statutes and regulations of the Federation or Promotion Entity.
The duration of the association is unlimited, and it can be dissolved only by an extraordinary members assembly.
It can be part of the association, as members only who participate in both recreational and sporting social activities carried out by the association and who request it and who are endowed with irreproachable moral, civil, and sporting conduct can be part of the association as members.
To be admitted as a member, it is necessary to fill the association admission form (in this case included in the pass's purchase form), indicating:
- name and surname
- place and date of birth
- residence
- national identification number.
Pleace notice that in different european countries it could have different name. Here some examples: Italy: codice fiscale; Germany: Identifikationsnummer (IdNr); France: Numéro Fiscal de Référence (SPI); United Kingdom: Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) or National Insurance Number (NINO); Spain: Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI); etc.
It also necessary to declare to have read this Statute by complying with it and with the resolutions of the corporate bodies.
The acceptance of any member is ratified by the board of directors, in the first useful meeting, which, if expressed favorably, will be able to complete the process by receiving the annual institutional fee, issue the social card and enter the member in the "member’s register ". In the event of an application for admission as a member submitted by minors, the same must be countersigned by the parental authority. The parent who signs the application represents the minor in all respects towards the association and responds to the same for all the obligations of the minor member. The membership fee cannot be transferred to third parties or revalued.
All adult members enjoy, at the time of admission, the right to participate in the social assemblies as well as the active and passive electorate. This right will be automatically acquired by the minor member at the first meeting held after reaching the age of majority.
The qualification of member gives the right to attend the initiatives announced by the board of directors and the registered office, according to the procedures established in the specific regulation
The members cease to belong to the association in the following cases:
Voluntary resignation.
Debts which lasted for more than two months from the expiry of the required payment of the membership fee.
Termination deliberated by most of the members of the board of directors, pronounced against the member who commits actions deemed dishonorable within and outside the association, or who, with his conduct, constitutes an obstacle to the good performance of the association.
Dissolution of the association.
The cancellation provision referred to in the previous letter C, taken by the board of directors must be ratified by the ordinary members meeting. During this meeting, to which the interested member must be summoned, an examination of the objections will be carried out with the interested party. The cancellation measure remains active until the date of the meeting.
A removed member can no longer be admitted.
The corporate bodies are the general members' meeting, the President, and the board of directors.
The general assembly of the members is the highest deliberative body of the association and is convened in ordinary and extraordinary sessions. When it is regularly convened and constituted, it represents the universality of the members and the deliberations legitimately adopted by it oblige all members, even if they did not participate or dissent.
The president directs the association and controls its operation in compliance with the autonomy of the other corporate bodies and is its legal representative in any eventuality.
The vice-president replaces the president in case of his absence or temporary impediment and in those tasks in which he is expressly delegated.
The board of directors is made up of three to ten members, determined periodically, by the members' meeting. The board of directors within its scope appoints the vice president and the secretary with treasurer functions. The board of directors remains in office for four years and its members can be re-elected. Resolutions will be adopted by majority. In the event of a tie, the vote of the president will prevail.
The Board resolutions, for their validity, must result from a report signed by the person who chaired the meeting and by the secretary. The same must be made available to all associates with the formalities deemed most suitable by the board of directors aimed at ensuring its maximum dissemination.
The social year starts from the 1st of September to 31st August of the following year; the financial year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.
The financial means consist of membership fees determined annually by the board of directors, contributions from entities and associations, donations, and from the activities organized by the association.
The dissolution of the association is resolved with a member’s general assembly, convened in an extraordinary session, constituted with at least 3/4 of the members with the right to vote, with the exclusion of proxies. Upon dissolution of the association, the assembly will decide the destination of any active residual of the association's assets. The destination of the residual assets will be in favor of another association that pursues sporting purposes, without prejudice to a different destination imposed by law.
Even if not expressly foreseen in this statute, it is applied the provisions of statute and the regulations of the sports promotion body to which the association is affiliated to and, subordinately, the rules of the Italian Civil Code.